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How to register DSC on the Income Tax website ?

The Income Tax e-filing users require a Digital Signature Certificate (DSC) to sign the income tax returns, forms etc where authentication of the user on the electronic document is required. All Indian citizens can file their income tax returns digitally on the Income Tax online portal using a Class 3 digital signature. To sign ITR or any other documents, users need to register their dsc on Income tax website. Lets see steps to register dsc:-

Step 1: Open the Income Tax e-filing portal and log in using your user ID and password.

Step 2: Click on My Profile.

Step 3: Select Register DSC on the left side of the My Profile page.

Step 4: Enter your email ID linked with the DSC. Select I have downloaded and installed emSigner utility checkbox and press Continue.

Step 5: Select provider, certificate and enter the password. Then click on Sign.

Step 6: A message showing 'Your DSC is registered successfully' will be displayed on successful validation and registration of the DSC.


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