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Authentication has failed at emas error at GST website

Updated: Aug 11, 2023

Sometimes while we are about to attach the Digital Signature Certificate to file the return be it GSTR-3B, GSTR-1 or TRANS-1, the error message “Authentication has failed at emas” is displayed. This error will be resolved by updating the DSC. So let’s understand the resolution for the same.

Step 1: Go to My Profile

Click on Register/ Update DSC

Step 3: The Register Digital Signature Certificate page is displayed. In the PAN of Authorized Signatory drop-down list, select the PAN of the authorized Signatory that you want to update. Plug in the USB Token in the System.

Step 4: Click the UPDATE button.

Remember : Before you update your DSC at the GST Portal, you need to install the em-Signer utility. The utility can be downloaded from the Register DSC page. Check how to install eMSign on GST Website. DSC registration is PAN based and only Class 2 and Class 3 DSC are accepted at the GST Portal. Visit GST Website Issues page for solutions.



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