Signing document with manual signature and sending it through courier is now gone away. Buy Digital Signature Certificate from eSolutions to sign your documents, pdf files and send them with your legally valid digital signatures.
Below are the step to follow to digitally sign any PDF file / Invoice :-
Step 1: Plugin your USB Token in your computer. Make sure you have installed USB Token drivers on your computer. You may download USB Token Drivers from our Downloads Page.
Step 2: Open PDF File which you want to sign. Click on Tools menu, Scroll down Certificates and click on Open.
Step 3: Click on Digitally Sign Tab as shown in below screenshot and a Pop Up window will be opened. Popup Window says Using your mouse, Click and drag the mouse to draw a rectangle shaped area to signature to appear. Click on OK.
Step 4: Draw a rectangle shape as show below.
Step 5: It will show you name of person whose USB Token is attached in Computer. Choose person name and click on Continue.
Step 6: On clicking Continue, It shows name of applicant again with date and time of signing. Click on Sign button to sign the document.
Step 7: It will ask you to save the Signed File with the same name. If you want to sign it with same name, Click on Yes.
Step 8: Choose path and save the file.
Step 9: Document will be digitally signed and you can see it as below.
Looking to buy Digital Signature Certificate ? Click below image to buy DSC.